View our sample resources

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Once you have subscribed, you will receive log on details and will be able to download everything from our website, according to the timetable outlined below. The username & password can be shared by staff within school but must not be shared beyond this as the contract is with an individual school. Please ensure your email (username) is one that will work if staff move or change roles. It may be better to use an admin address (admin@schoolname... Or re@schoolname...) rather than a named individual.

You will need to contact us at [email protected]

The Believing and Belonging RE syllabus includes about 60 units of work on religions and worldviews, covering EYFS to Key Stage 4. Detailed planning is available (see below). These extra resources include a PowerPoint presentation for each section of the planning and a knowledge organiser for most of these units. The PowerPoints include notes for teachers, including suggested activities, points to note, or issues where care is needed. All the resources are planned directly from the syllabus by a team of local experienced RE specialists, many of whom have written the units of work in the first place. But remember that each school needs to produce its own curriculum, reflecting its needs and context. The syllabus, planning and resources provide a complete framework but you are free, and encouraged, to adapt, design and add according to the needs of your learners.

Samples of resources (and the detailed planning) are available on our Resources Page

We have produced the RE syllabus units of work for many years and have worked closely alongside primary and secondary schools across the region. We know the pressure teachers feel from a shortage of specialist RE staff and the time needed to resource lessons across a school. We hope providing these materials will offer an expert, accurate and flexible resource for classroom teachers. They can provide total coverage or be used as a flexible supplement to your school’s own resources.

Access is by an on-line subscription for a single fee that covers the full life of the syllabus. This has deliberately been kept at a minimum level just to cover costs, so allowing schools to subscribe without excessive expense. The current subscription is £490 +VAT for each package: • Primary all units (and EYFS when added) • KS3 all units To order please complete the form here ( or contact [email protected]. Special arrangements may apply for middle or through schools, or for infant only or junior only schools. Please ask.

All core units in key stages 1 and 2 will be available in three tranches during 2024-25 (details below). EYFS units will be added during 2024-25 at no extra cost to primary subscribers. All KS3 core and focus units will be available by September 2024. During 2024-25 we plan to produce resources for primary focus units. See the timetable below for details. If there is sufficient demand we will also produce KS4 (non-examined) units. Details of these and subscription arrangements will be circulated as soon as available. There will be special offers for existing subscribers.

Because this is such a big project, we have phased production so we can be sure they are high quality, accurate, dependable and matched to schools’ needs. We realise this may constrain the long term RE plan for 2024-5 but we have sequenced the units in a logical order and, of course, by July 2025 all core units will be online. Resources for core and focus units for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 will be available in three tranches during 2024-25. For details of when each Core and Focus units are available please email [email protected]

You can use the resources just as they are or you can edit them to suit your local situation or planning needs. Some of the units of work include a number of religions or worldviews. This is reflected in the additional resources. These have not been designed for teachers to go through each religion one after another; rather they have been produced in this way to give you choice in your curriculum design. We strongly recommend that you select a maximum of two or three religions or worldviews in a unit.

Most schools using Believing and Belonging subscribe to the detailed planning on which our resources are based. If you don’t have access you can subscribe by emailing [email protected]. The current cost is £220 as a single fee for the full life of the syllabus.

We work very hard to ensure everything is factually accurate, balanced, grammatically correct and generally of a very high standard. If you notice anything amiss, please contact us so we can put it right quickly. Likewise if you have any suggestions, ideas or feedback we are always glad to hear from you. Please email one of the team on [email protected].

We are holding free termly twilight webinars and details will be sent to all subscribers. These will offer tips and ideas as well as a chance to ask questions or share ideas. You don’t have to wait for one of these, of course! Please feel free to contact us anytime on our direct emails or at [email protected]. RE networks are also held termly in each authority area and details are on local authority intranets and at or