Pennine Learning Associates Ltd
Privacy Notice issued under the Data Protection Act 2018
We hold your contact details, including address, telephone and email, to process orders or because you have asked us to supply you with information, such as our newsletter. This information will only be used for these purposes. It will not be passed to any third-party organisation, other than to facilitate your order (for example to pass on dietary or access requirements) . When you have ordered goods or services, we keep this personal information for a maximum of two years. If you have asked to receive our newsletter, or other subscriptions, we hold your contact information until you unsubscribe. You can do this at any time by emailing or writing to us.
Where we have produced reports for schools, local authorities or other clients, we pass these documents directly to the client. These may include limited personal information such as contact details or posts held. We keep a copy of such reports for a maximum of six years in case there are queries.
When we have been asked for references or other documents containing personal information we will keep these only for six months.
All data is held in secure password-protected storage and access is only available to staff or consultants directly commissioned by Pennine Learning Associates Ltd. We never pass any personal information to anyone else, unless you specifically ask us to do this.
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018, the data controller is Alastair Ross who can be reached at [email protected] or at the registered office of the company. You have a right, and are always welcome, to ask for any data we hold about you. You also have a statutory right to complain about how we have handled your data by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office at